SPARQL Example Queries

A. Geospatial Data

Q1. All resources inside a bounding box

PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX elod: <>

SELECT distinct ?subject ?gWKT
    ?subject elod:hasRelatedFeature ?feature .
    ?feature geo:hasGeometry ?geometry .
    ?geometry geo:asWKT ?gWKT .
    FILTER (bif:st_within(?gWKT, "POLYGON ((23.533692 41.095936,23.613343 41.089727,23.671021 41.063846,23.730073 41.042098))"^^geo:wktLiteral)) 

Q2. Addresses and postal codes for Organizations

select distinct ?name ?street ?pcode from <>
where {
  ?organization gr:legalName ?name ; vcard2006:hasAddress ?address . 
  ?address vcard2006:street-address ?street ;
  vcard2006:postal-code ?pcode .

Q3. Postal Codes of Organizations and the Municipalities they belong to

PREFIX vcard2006: <>
PREFIX elodGeo: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?pcode ?nameMunicipality
  ?organization vcard2006:hasAddress ?address .
  ?address vcard2006:postal-code ?pcode.
  ?codeArea elodGeo:postalCode ?pcode .
  ?municipality elodGeo:hasPart ?codeArea ; elodGeo:name ?nameMunicipality . 

B. CPV Queries

Q1. Information for specific CPV

SELECT distinct ?p ?o 
from <>
    ?s elod:hasCpv <>. 
    <> ?p ?o

C. Project profile

Q1. Single Project Info NSRF

select distinct ?project ?percComplete (xsd:decimal(?prBudget) as ?priceBudget)
from <>
where {
  ?project elod:hasRelatedAdministrativeDecision ?decision ; dcterms:title ?title ;
  elod:hasRelatedBudgetItem ?revBudget ;  elod:completion ?percComplete . 
  ?revBudget elod:price ?revUps . 
  ?revUps gr:hasCurrencyValue ?prBudget. 
group by ?project

Q2. Single Project Info Diavgeia

select distinct ((count(distinct ?decision)) + (count(distinct ?decisionFinancial)) 
+ (count(distinct ?decisionFinancialb13))
+ (count(distinct ?decisionFinancial2))  
+(count(distinct ?decisionFinancial3))
as ?decisionCount) 
((sum(xsd:decimal(?am))) + (sum(xsd:decimal(?amContr))) 
+ (sum(xsd:decimal(?amContr2)))
+ (sum(xsd:decimal(?amb13))) 
as ?amount)
from <>
where {
<> elod:hasRelatedAdministrativeDecision ?decisionFinancial .
?decisionFinancial a elod:FinancialDecision ; elod:hasExpenditureLine ?expLine . 
?expLine elod:amount ?ups . ?ups gr:hasCurrencyValue ?am
filter not exists {?decisionFinancial elod:hasCorrectedDecision ?corrected}
<> elod:hasRelatedAdministrativeDecision ?decisionFinancialb13 .
?decisionFinancialb13 a elod:FinancialDecision ;  elod:price ?upsb13 . ?upsb13 gr:hasCurrencyValue ?amb13
filter not exists {?decisionFinancialb13 elod:hasCorrectedDecision ?correctedb13}
<> elod:hasRelatedAdministrativeDecision ?decisionFinancial2 .
?decisionFinancial2 a elod:FinancialDecision ;  pc:agreedPrice ?upsContr . ?upsContr gr:hasCurrencyValue ?amContr
filter not exists {?decisionFinancial2 elod:hasCorrectedDecision ?corrected2}
<> elod:hasRelatedAdministrativeDecision ?decisionFinancial3 .
?decisionFinancial3 a elod:FinancialDecision ;  pc:documentsPrice ?upsContr2 . ?upsContr2 gr:hasCurrencyValue ?amContr2
filter not exists {?decisionFinancial3 elod:hasCorrectedDecision ?corrected3}
<> elod:hasRelatedAdministrativeDecision ?decision.
?decision a elod:NonFinancialDecision
filter not exists {?decision elod:hasCorrectedDecision ?corrected5}

D. Diavgeia Descriptive Stats

Q1. Financial Decisions of a specific Public Project

select distinct ?type (count(distinct ?decision) as ?count) (sum(xsd:decimal(?am)) as ?amount)
from <>
where {
  <> elod:hasRelatedAdministrativeDecision ?decision .
  ?decision a elod:FinancialDecision ; elod:decisionType ?type ;
  elod:hasExpenditureLine ?expLine . 
  ?expLine elod:amount ?ups . ?ups gr:hasCurrencyValue ?am
  filter langMatches(lang(?type),'el')

Q2. Decisions of a specific decision type - Δ category

select distinct ?type (count(distinct ?decision) as ?count) (sum(xsd:decimal(?amContr)) as ?amount2)
from <>
where {
  <> elod:hasRelatedAdministrativeDecision ?decision .
  ?decision pc:agreedPrice ?ups ; elod:decisionType ?type . 
  ?ups gr:hasCurrencyValue ?amContr .
  filter langMatches(lang(?type),'el')

Q3. Non-Financial Decisions of a specific Public Project

select distinct (str(?type) as ?type1) (count(distinct ?decision) as ?count)
from <>
where {
  <> elod:hasRelatedAdministrativeDecision ?decision .
  ?decision a elod:NonFinancialDecision ; elod:decisionType ?type .
order by desc (?count)

E. NSRF descriptive Stats

Q1. Detailed information of a Public Project

select distinct ?titleProject ?description ?percComplete
(xsd:decimal(?prBudget) as ?priceBudget) (xsd:decimal(?prSpend) as ?priceSpend) 
(str(?startDate) as ?starts) (str(?endDate) as ?ends) 
from <>
where {
  <> dcterms:title ?titleProject ; 
  dcterms:description ?description ;
  elod:hasRelatedBudgetItem ?revBudget ; elod:hasRelatedSpendingItem ?revSpend ; 
  elod:completion ?percComplete ; elod:startDate ?startDate ; elod:endDate ?endDate. 
  ?revBudget elod:price ?revUps . ?revUps gr:hasCurrencyValue ?prBudget. 
  ?revSpend elod:hasExpenditureLine ?expSpend . 
  ?expSpend elod:amount ?upsSpend . ?upsSpend gr:hasCurrencyValue ?prSpend
  filter langMatches(lang(?titleProject),'el')
  filter langMatches(lang(?description),'el')

F. Subprojects

Q1. Subprojects (connected to Diavgeia) - Diavgeia data | query 1

select distinct ?subproject
(count(distinct ?decisionFinancial) as ?decisionFinancial)
(count (distinct ?decision) as ?nonFinancial)
(sum(xsd:decimal(?am)) as ?totalAmount)
from <>
where {
    ?subproject a elod:Subproject ; elod:hasRelatedAdministrativeDecision ?decisionFinancial .
    ?decisionFinancial a elod:FinancialDecision ; elod:hasExpenditureLine ?expLine . 
    ?expLine elod:amount ?ups . ?ups gr:hasCurrencyValue ?am .
    ?subproject a elod:Subproject ; elod:hasRelatedAdministrativeDecision ?decision .
    ?decision a elod:NonFinancialDecision 

G. Overall Information of Data Model

Q1. Class treemap

SELECT distinct *
    ?s rdfs:subClassOf ?p

Q2. Returns Properties of a specific Class

SELECT distinct ?property
    ?subject a elod:Subsidy ; ?property ?object

Q3. Domains of a Property

SELECT distinct ?class
    ?subject a ?class ; elod:hasRelatedProject ?object

Q4. NSRF descriptive stats for Public Projects which are related to Crete

select distinct ?project ?percComplete (str(?titleProject) as ?title)
(xsd:decimal(?prBudget) as ?priceBudget) (xsd:decimal(?prSpend) as ?priceSpend) 
(str(?startDate) as ?starts) (str(?endDate) as ?ends) 
from <>
where {
  ?project dcterms:title ?titleProject ; dcterms:description ?description ;
  elod:hasRelatedBudgetItem ?revBudget ; elod:hasRelatedSpendingItem ?revSpend ; 
  elod:completion ?percComplete ; elod:startDate ?startDate ; elod:endDate ?endDate. 
  ?revBudget elod:price ?revUps . ?revUps gr:hasCurrencyValue ?prBudget. ?revSpend 
  elod:hasExpenditureLine ?expSpend . ?expSpend elod:amount ?upsSpend . ?upsSpend 
  gr:hasCurrencyValue ?prSpend
  FILTER regex(?titleProject, "Κρήτη", "i")

H. Data Cube Implementation

Q1. Return Dimension Properties

prefix qb:<>
select distinct * 
from <>
where {
    ?s a qb:DimensionProperty 

Q2. Return Information about Observations

prefix qb:<>
select distinct ?p ?o
from <> 
where {
    ?s a qb:Observation ; ?p ?o

Q3. Return Information about Data Strcucture Definition

prefix qb:<>
select distinct ?attribute ?compRequired ?attachment
from <>
where {?s qb:attribute ?attribute ; 
  qb:componentRequired ?compRequired ; 
  qb:componentAttachment ?attachment  .

I. Sector of NSRF Public Projects

Q1. Return public projects of a specific Sector

select distinct ?title
from <> 
where {
  ?project elod:sector ?sector ; dcterms:title ?title . 
  ?sector skos:prefLabel "Road transport"^^xsd:string
  filter langMatches(lang(?title),'el')

Q2. Count of Public Projects per Sector

select distinct ?sector ?label (count(distinct ?project) as ?count) 
from <> 
where { 
  ?project elod:sector ?sector  . 
  ?sector skos:prefLabel ?label

J. Organizations

Q1. Return the connection of Sellers from Projects to Organizations URIs and their related information

select distinct ?org ?vatId ?greekName ?engName
from <>
where {
?subsidy elod:seller ?seller . ?seller rdfs:seeAlso ?org .
?org gr:vatID ?vatId ; gr:legalName ?greekName ; elod:translation ?engName

Q2. Return basic information of Spending Items and the connection of them to Public Projects and Subprojects

select distinct ?project ?date (str(?decisionType) as ?type)  (STR(SAMPLE(?buyerName)) as ?nameBuyer) (STR(SAMPLE(?sellerName)) as ?nameSeller)
(str(?subject) as ?decisionSubject) (xsd:decimal(?am) as ?amount) (str(?ada) as ?decisionAda)
from <> 
where {
?project elod:hasRelatedAdministrativeDecision ?decision .
?decision elod:decisionTypeId ?type ; elod:ada ?ada ; elod:decisionType ?decisionType ; 
dcterms:subject ?subject ; dcterms:issued ?date ;
dcterms:publisher ?orgUnit .
OPTIONAL{?buyer org:hasUnit ?orgUnit OPTIONAL{?buyer gr:legalName ?buyerName .}}
OPTIONAL{?decision elod:hasExpenditureLine ?expLine OPTIONAL{?expLine elod:seller ?seller ; elod:amount ?ups . } 
OPTIONAL{?seller gr:legalName ?sellerName . }}
?ups gr:hasCurrencyValue ?am.
filter(?type = "Β.2.2"^^xsd:string) 
filter langMatches(lang(?decisionType),'el')
filter not exists {?decision elod:hasCorrectedDecision ?corrected}
} limit 100

K. Official Development Aid

Q1. How much did the NL spend on ODA related to Zimbabwe in the time frame 2009-2012?

PREFIX elod: <>

SELECT (SUM(?value) AS ?totalDisbursement)
    ?activity elod:startDate ?startDate;
              elod:benefactor ?benefactor;
              elod:beneficiary ?beneficiary;
              elod:countryIsoCode <>;
              elod:hasRelatedDisbursedItem ?disbursement.
    ?benefactor elod:countryIsoCode <>.
    ?disbursement elod:amount ?amount.
    ?amount elod:hasCurrencyValue ?value.
FILTER (?startDate >= "2009-01-01"^^xsd:date && ?startDate < "2013-01-01"^^xsd:date)

Q2.1 What sectors was this money spent on (e.g., human rights, infrastructure, health, etc.)...

PREFIX elod: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX skos: <>

SELECT ?activityId ?activityTitle ?sector
FROM <> 
    ?activity elod:countryIsoCode <>;
              elod:benefactor ?benefactor;          
              elod:projectId ?activityId;
              dct:title ?activityTitle;
              elod:startDate ?startDate;
              elod:sector ?sectorCode.
    ?benefactor elod:countryIsoCode <>.
    ?sectorCode skos:prefLabel ?sector.
    FILTER (?startDate >= "2009-01-01"^^xsd:date && ?startDate < "2013-01-01"^^xsd:date)

Q2.2 ...and in which relation (e.g., was there a focus on health, or did all sectors get the same?)?

PREFIX elod: <>
PREFIX skos: <>

SELECT ?sector ?numberOfProjects (?numberOfProjects*100/xsd:float(?total) AS  ?percentage)
    SELECT (COUNT(?activity) AS ?total)
      ?activity elod:countryIsoCode <>;
              elod:benefactor ?benefactor;          
              elod:startDate ?startDate.
      ?benefactor elod:countryIsoCode <>.
      FILTER (?startDate >= "2009-01-01"^^xsd:date && ?startDate < "2013-01-01"^^xsd:date)
    SELECT (COUNT(?activity) AS ?numberOfProjects) ?sectorCode  ?sector
      ?activity elod:countryIsoCode <>;
              elod:benefactor ?benefactor;          
              elod:startDate ?startDate;
              elod:sector ?sectorUri.
      ?benefactor elod:countryIsoCode <>.
      ?sectorUri skos:prefLabel ?sector.
      FILTER (?startDate >= "2009-01-01"^^xsd:date && ?startDate < "2013-01-01"^^xsd:date)

Q3. Who actually received the money (e.g., the Zimbabwean government, local NGOs, Dutch NGOs, international organisations)?

PREFIX ro: <>
PREFIX rov: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX elod: <>

SELECT ?activityId ?beneficiaryName ?orgType
    ?activity elod:countryIsoCode <>;
              elod:beneficiary ?beneficiary;
              elod:benefactor ?benefactor;
              elod:startDate ?startDate;
              elod:projectId ?activityId.
    ?benefactor elod:countryIsoCode <>.
    ?beneficiary foaf:name ?beneficiaryName;
                 rov:orgType ?orgTypeUri.
    ?orgTypeUri skos:prefLabel ?orgType.
    FILTER (?startDate >= "2009-01-01"^^xsd:date && ?startDate < "2013-01-01"^^xsd:date)

L. International Trade

Q1. How did NL's trade relations with Zimbabwe develop during the same time frame?

A. Export:

PREFIX elod: <>
PREFIX skos: <>

SELECT ?harmonizedSystemCommodity ?year ?value
    ?s a elod:TradeActivity;
        elod:hasOrigin <>;
        elod:hasDestination <>;
        elod:financialYear ?year;
        elod:concerns ?commodity;
        elod:amount ?amount.
    ?commodity skos:prefLabel ?harmonizedSystemCommodity.
    ?amount elod:hasCurrencyValue ?value.
    FILTER (?year >= "2009"^^xsd:gYear && ?year < "2013"^^xsd:gYear)
} ORDER BY ?year

B. Import:

PREFIX elod: <>
PREFIX skos: <>

SELECT ?harmonizedSystemCommodity ?year ?value
    ?s a elod:TradeActivity;
        elod:hasOrigin <>;
        elod:hasDestination <>;
        elod:financialYear ?year;
        elod:concerns ?commodity;
        elod:amount ?amount.
    ?commodity skos:prefLabel ?harmonizedSystemCommodity.
    ?amount elod:hasCurrencyValue ?value.
    FILTER (?year >= "2009"^^xsd:gYear && ?year < "2013"^^xsd:gYear)
} ORDER BY ?year